Saturday, June 23, 2012

AIA 11g PIPS Deployment using AIA Installer Driver: Part 4: Generate Deployment Plan & Deploy Artifacts

Prior to deployment of artifacts, it is important to follow the steps mentioned in the AIA 11g PIPS deployment using AIA Installer Driver Part 1 through Part 3. The steps are

 AIA Deployment Plan Generator utility helps generate Deployment Plans for SOA artifacts based on project's BOM.xml exported from AIA Project Lifecycle Workbench. Then utilize Deployment Plans file to deploy AIA artifacts to SOA server.

Here are main steps for generating deployment plan:

(1)   Create a new PIP project directory under $AIA_HOME/pips, whose name <projectCode> comes from the project code you entered in AIA Project Lifecycle Workbench

(2) Under $AIA_HOME/pips/<projectCode>, create 3 subdirectories:
BOM - hold BOM.xml
DatabaseObjects - hold systemRegistration.xml
BOM.xml sample:
                             <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
                                      <svcdoc:BOM ….>
                                       <svcdoc:composite revision="1.0" name="CreateRetailPaymentsCCBProvABCSImpl">


systemRegistration.xml sample:
                                       MERGE INTO AIA_SYSTEMS sysreg
                                       USING dual
                                       on (dual.dummy is not null and sysreg.SYSTEM_CODE='RETAIL_PMT_01' )
                                       WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT

(3)   Copy ABCS projects specified at BOM.xml into $AIA_HOME/services

(4)   Copy EBS projects to $AIA_HOME/pips/<projectCode>.

Basically, Oracle AIA requires:
EBS composites should be under $AIA_HOME/pips/<projectCode>
ABCS and AdapterServices should be under $AIA_HOME/services
Where, <projectCode> is the project code you entered in AIA Project Lifecycle Workbench

(5)   Run:
source ${AIA_HOME}/aia_instances/AIA_DEV/bin/

(6)   Run the following command for executing the Deployment Plan Generator.
Input: BOM.xml
Output: <PIP_Name>DP.xml
The following files are used in the deployment plan generation and deployment of AIA artifacts:
<PIP_Name>DP.xml:  This deployment plan file orchestrates the deployment of natively supported services and the configuration required for those services. Oracle AIA delivered PIPs usually have their deployment plans under AIA_HOME/PIPS/<pip name>/DeploymentPlans.

ant -f <AIA_HOME>\Infrastructure\Install\AID\AIAInstallDriver.xml 
name>\config\AIAInstallProperties.xml  -DDeploymentPlan=<AIA_HOME>\pips\<PIP_
name>\DeploymentPlans\<PIP_name>DP.xml  -DSupplementaryDeploymentPlan =<AIA_
name>CustomDP.xml> -DDeploymentPolicyFile=<AIA_HOME>\pips\<PIP_
For Undeploying the artifacts, use the following ANT task
ant -f <AIA_HOME>\Infrastructure\Install\AID\AIAInstallDriver.xml 
name>\config\AIAInstallProperties.xml Uninstall -DDeploymentPlan=<AIA_
